I was in my early twenties and it scared me really badly. I couldn’t remember ever having been that angry, let alone wanting to actually hurt someone because of my anger. Sure I’d been mad and I’d thrown things and I’d probably punched my sister a few times in the heat of a sibling fight when we were kids too. But this was the first time as an adult where my rage was so intense I felt like I was being devoured by it. When I shared this with my therapist, certain she was going to tell me there was something seriously wrong with me, she simply and calmly said “Oh you were having murderous rage.” She said this as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Turns out it is. In the massive repertoire of feelings we are capable of in these human forms, rage is just one. It’s a big one. It takes up lots of space. It can flood us. And it can make us feel out of control. My very patient therapist explained that I was not abnormal or some soon to become violent young woman. She explained that anger is just energy and what we do with that energy is what matters. I’ve learned to use my anger to fuel action. Whether it’s movement or to scream or sing or dance or punch a punching bag or even get creative and work toward change. Anger can be moved and transformed. Sometimes our anger is completely warranted. Sometimes it is the cover under which our true feelings lie. Regardless, it is always real. Anger scares people. Because it is big and powerful it can be triggering for others, it can also be threatening. And not just because anger can create impulsive and unpredictable actions, but because it can fuel movements and create change. It can create leaders, and it can also bring them down. How does your anger live in you? Does it explode like a volcano or blow like hurricane force winds? Does it shake like an earthquake or forcefully sweep through like a tidal wave? When we embody our anger and learn to move the energy it brings we can utilize the power within. We can harness that power to change the world around us. To be empowered by embracing all the facets of ourselves, even the ones we might have been taught were not acceptable. (Maybe especially those ones). And my friends, if creating change isn’t magic, I’m not sure what is! Simple Practice Create an anger altar Add objects that represent your anger and rage Choose colors that symbolize these energies for you Come to this altar and speak or write about your rage and anger Come to this altar and scream Or hit a pillow or clay Come to this altar and move into child’s pose with your forehead to the floor and your palms up in offering Give your rage to the earth, to the air, to the fire and water. Let the elements play with it and transform it. Surrender your anger and discover what happens when it moves through you instead of becoming stuck within you. Do not contract Flow Want more? Bring your rage and let’s give it a space to move and be witnessed. Karena of The Witch’s Inn and I are hosting a Circle “Honoring Our Sacred Rage” on August 12th at 4pm PT. Using the Tarot, movement and meditation we are creating and holding a space to bring our rage to the surface, to let it be witnessed, worked with and perhaps even transmuted. This is a closed live circle and will not be recorded to facilitate a strong and safe container. We are offering this on a sliding scale with a base rate of $33 Canadian. 10% of all the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood. Your rage is sacred. We want you to bring it!
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