Those were the words that came to me as I drove through the wet misty morning on my way to the park yesterday.
This is how we heal. The echo of those words followed me through a muddy 3 mile run, up a rocky narrow tract and back down again. This is how we heal. My voice. That place of inner knowing sang these words even in the moments where I felt grief tighten my diaphragm and choke the air from me. Breathe Just Breath Thank you Earth Thank you Rocks Thank you Water Thank you Mud Thank you Body This is how we heal It’s a process moving through grief It is not a date on the calendar when a certain amount of time has passed and suddenly the pain of the loss is “over”. This last couple months have been really challenging. Two deaths in one day from very different circles of my life (but both very close ones) was a lot. Continues to be a lot. And I’ve had moments where I have felt completely disconnected from Source. Not in an angry “How could you let this happen” kind of way, but in a numb, can’t access the spark of magic kind of way. But coming back to the dirt and rocks and roots, coming back to my body, my breath. Even in my moments of fear or doubt or sadness, there is a deep balm in the presence of nature. I can feel the magic again. And it is everywhere. Yesterday I ran all the way down the hill, splashing in puddles, hopping over rocks, trying not to slip for a mile and half. And I chanted my thank yous to the land, I made sounds that cleared that constriction of grief in my diaphragm and I let myself be present. This is how we heal. If you happen to be swimming in the river of grief too, and find some anchor points might be helpful along the way, I am offering my self paced class “Honoring Your Sacred Grief” for $6.75 to the first 100 people who are feeling the need for this. You can sign up for this here If the discount doesn’t appear, use code GRIEF75 at check out. The Moon is Waxing. What are you brewing up beneath this growing energy? Join me this coming Friday January 26th at 4 pm PT for the free Moon Magic class. We will discuss ways of working with the energies of the lunar cycle, the ways the zodiac contributes to these energies and the seasonal vibrations of the moon as well. Register here Share this with anyone you think might be interested in a little moon magic! (the replay will be available after the class ends) I love the Winter Yet sometimes, when I am cold or the rainy days seem to go on and on, I dream of Summer. Of the smell of warm dried grasses and bay trees. Of cool foggy mornings and warm sunny afternoons. This Summer we gather for the Wise Woman Witchery Outdoor retreat. There will be magic making beneath the oaks and bay trees. Divination, co-created sacred space, connection with the land and ourselves and so much more! Learn more here
In December of 2010 I made a commitment to run a half marathon.
I had flirted with running in the past, but never more than a few miles max and much of it on a treadmill. But as 2011 began I signed up for a training group and started weekly runs in Annadel State park here in town. And I ran and walked my way through several months of training, discovering new ways of being with the land and making some new friends along the way. The thing about running on trails is you must pay attention to your body and its relationship to the earth. To the rocks, to the roots, to the incline and decline or a trail, to how you cross streams and to the very texture of the soil (mud vs hard pack, shale vs dirt). During this time, I listened to my breath, my footfalls, the turkeys and rain and trees, the coyotes and the streams. I learned to listen to my body more intentionally. (I also learned some new tricks to ignore it lol). In 2011 I ran a half marathon, I ran through the joy of my wedding that year and the grief of my Dad’s death. I ran into 2012, and more races, and losses and stressors and I learned that running gave me a home for these big feelings. I cried and screamed and laughed and rejoiced on those trails. And then somewhere around 2018, I stopped running. I think it was an injury. I can’t remember now. I still visited those trails, and I found other ways to move my body (some which I adore and continue still). I played with running a little, on cement, around the neighborhood. It felt good. But nothing like those early days. Yesterday I started running the trails again. And I remembered the sacredness of that relationship between my body and the earth. Between my feet and the roots and the rocks and soil. I’m slow. And steady. And my body remembers just what to do. I have a hard time being still. And so often in hiking I’m with people and talking and sharing and I see what is around me, but I don’t see it in the same way I do when I run a trail. When my senses are so heightened. What do you do to connect with nature, Wise One? Like really connect. When do you truly hear the earth? And your body? And the relationship between the two. As I age there are so many things I “used” to do often that supported this relationship. Camping at least once a month, reading beneath trees, watching clouds on my work break. I am realizing how many spaces have been filled with to do lists and responsibilities (some created some out of my control). On that trail yesterday I felt like I picked something up that my past self dropped. And now I want to hang onto it tightly and never let it go. Come explore the outdoors with me! The Wise Woman Witchery Outdoor Retreat brings us together in Sonoma County California June 7th-9th. You can discover the details and registration info here Moon Magic Did you register for the moon magic class yet? This free one hour class is happening on the 26th at 4 pm PT (a replay will be available for those that can’t make the livestream). We will spend an hour together diving into the energies of the moon and ways we can work with her in our magical practices. Register Here we have crossed the threshold of the new calendar year.
This is a time when resolutions are made. Gyms are full. Many people are vowing to be better. Do better. Create new habits. New year, new me. But wait up. Hold the phone. I like you. I don’t want you to be someone different. What if you are amazing just the way you are? Here’s the thing about being human. There is ALWAYS growth. We are always changing and shifting. In fact the only thing we are guaranteed (besides death and taxes) is change. When I was running this morning (and let’s be real, my running is more like a walk and a jog combined. We might call it wogging), I was thinking about all the ways I sabotage myself. The way I set goals that feel like they should be realistic, but aren’t Because they require massive change. And massive change is hard to maintain. I’ve set goals in the past and done hard things, sure. I imagine you have too. Those goals were either achieved and then ditched because the goal was complete, or they were reached through small steps (often with some accountability) and the habits that formed and had staying power stuck around because not only did they become habits, but I liked the results and they were often fun. So I started thinking about the tools I have already. The foundations I have created for myself over the years and the way these have supported smaller changes that have built on each other over time. The last few years I have been choosing a word each year. A touchstone of sorts. Instead of a resolution or a goal I let this word be the thing that helps guide me. A guide that helps me make small choices that build that foundation to the bigger and more sustainable things. When faced with a crossroads I ask myself which choices outcome is most connected to my word. This year I invite you to do the same. Add a word to your toolbox. And let it guide you. Ask yourselves what tools and habits you already have that you might add onto, or use to build toward your goals with. Don’t be a new you, be an evolving you. Is one of the things you want to cultivate more of this year magic? I have a really simple (and sustainable) way to bring more magic into your everyday life. Moon Magic! I’m offering a Moon Magic Class Friday January 26th at 4 pm PT. It’s totally free and you can sign up here. The Winter Circle begins on Friday!!!! There is still room if you’d like to join us. Come nourish and tend to your sacred self through the Winter months in community. We gather for 6 circles exploring the themes of Winter, Deep Rest, and Self Love, using the magic of embodiment practices, expressive arts, spell work and community. Learn more and register here |
Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
February 2025
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