It won’t make you thinner or more muscular.
It won’t dissolve your wrinkles. Witchcraft will not heal all ailments. Or make the person you have been pining after love you Contrary to some of the pop culture depictions, Witchcraft is not a fix it all solution for whatever ails you. But here is what Witchcraft can do. It can help you connect more deeply with your inner knowing. Witchcraft offers opportunities to delve into the river of energy that runs through EVERYTHING! It will help you live more in tune with the cycles of the moon and the seasons, and in turn, allow you to understand and live more in tune with the cycles within you! Witchcraft will help you discover your magic, your unique gifts and strengths that make you shine a little brighter. It can help you craft daily practices that become touchstones, and grounding points in your life. It opens doors you didn’t know existed. Witchcraft can bring more confidence into your body, more certainty, more alignment. It can help you step into YOUR power. This is why I was called to this path. Living in tune with the rhythms of the natural world, of my spiritual practice aligning with care for the earth, of finding the energy around me and working with it intentionally, have all brought with them a resounding “YES” in my body and spirit. When I started Wise Woman Witchery, I did it because I wanted you to feel this too! I wanted to share with you my own journey and experience and through this help you connect to that magic inside of yourself and feel empowered by it. The culmination of my offerings arrived in the form of the Priestess Path Awakening series. In the last few years I have been honored to get to guide, teach and learn from the cohorts of women who have chosen to grow their practices with this path. The next cohort begins May 20th and together we will be learning foundational practices (like casting a circle and creating ritual), deepen our relationships with ourselves through our inner work (shadow, sacred sensuality), add more tools to our toolboxes, (divination, dream work and more) and end our journey with an initiation ceremony where we claim the Priestess within! The Priestess Path Awakening program, is designed to run for 12 months, (13 moons) and builds on itself through each section. Yet many of the pieces of this program can also stand alone, either as a series (ie: foundational practices), or as an individual class/ritual combo. For those of you who might be intrigued by the program and feel called to be a part of it, yet find yourself questioning if a year commitment feels doable, I have a solution for you. I am now offering three ways to register for this program.
Today is a day of rest and reflection for me. A time of integration.
After two fabulous days of the Cauldron of Wisdom virtual conference, I feel full and grateful (and a little tired too). Each time one of these events take place, I am reminded of the sacredness of connection, of sharing, or openness and the gift that comes with both giving and receiving wisdom. Even within a Zoom room sacred space can be created and connections can be made. Even across miles we can find our roots and intertwine them into a circle where magic is born. With Spring traipsing across the land here in the Northern Hemisphere and that ongoing quickening pushes us forward, I invite you to pause and ask yourself what you are integrating in this moment. What have you been learning, practicing, working on? How is this integrating into your awareness? Your body? Your way of being? Yesterday one of the classes we took was about altar magic. Altars are a favorite practice of mine and one that anyone can do at any time. Drawing off Jen Untalan’s class, here is a simple practice for you to play with. After asking yourself the questions about integration, take ten minutes and look around your house or outdoor space and grab items that stand out to you in relationship to this integration process. Maybe there's a crystal or rock that speaks to the way this thing you have been absorbing is routine into your body. Maybe a statue or flower that sparks a connection for you. Whatever these items are, gather them together and set them out on a table, or counter or the top of your dresser. Set a candle in the middle and light it. Let this space be your ally in your integration. Sit here and journal, meditate, gaze… Add and subtract items as you feel called. Opportunity to Connect The conference might be over but there is still the opportunity to connect. The next cohort of the Priestess Path begins May 20th. I’ll be sharing about this and leading you on a journey to meet your inner Priestess this coming Friday at 4:30 pm PT. Priestessing in the Modern World is a free 45 min class that explores the concept of Priestessing and invites you inward to connect with this part of yourself. You can register here Summer Outdoor Retreat Our in person retreat is happening here in Sonoma County California June 25th-27th. We will gather together in a co-created sacred space where we will move through ceremony, spell work, connection with each other and with the land. All the details can be found here Sometimes the best laid plans go belly up.
My camping trip? The plan to relax, be, connect? That was one of those. My period arrived the night before we left and had me longing for indoor plumbing more than I’d like to admit (we even had a camper but it wasn’t quite the same). Then my husband decided to let my dog off the leash in a place she had never been with vast space all around and the warning of wild pigs traversing the area. My anxiety skyrocketed. (my dog was fine by the way) Being disconnected and out in the great wide open did not feel quite so great, or open. I want to be that brave nature connected, dirt worshiping, totally comfortable in the middle of nowhere kind of witch. But I’m not. I love to hike and camp. But I like it better when I’m in screaming distance from help. I am not a backpacking, PCT or AT kind of gal. You will likely never read my version of the time I backpacked solo into the wilderness. Because it’s not going to happen. It’s embarrassing to admit that. But it’s true. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed and was grateful for the beauty that was all around. The land is familiar and very sacred to my husband who grew up there. I loved the sound of the full creek, turkey calls, the frogs, the wind in the trees, the smell of the buck brush and damp earth and the sighting of foxes, hawks, and a coyote. It was just that I didn’t feel safe. I felt challenged and on high alert. I tried to talk myself through it. To calm my nerves, to drop in. And there were moments of that to be certain. But it wasn’t the way I had planned (hoped, daydreamed about) And although I’ve camped on that land over 20 times in the last 20+ years the last time I had visited was 2016 or 2017. We weren’t acquainted with each other the way we had once been . My point? Even though my longing was to connect with the land in a deep and magical way, even though I dream of being someone who can let their guard down and be fully present in a vast natural space, I’m not. But that does not make me any less of a Witch. And if you, like me, find yourself concerned about mountain lions and wild pigs (and possibly monsters because my imagination is a powerful force) and would rather camp with a group than just your husband (because safety in numbers), know that you are not any less of a witch either. I long for space to spread out in, to be loud in, to be surrounded by nature in, but I don’t want too much space, nor too little. Like our criminal B and E friend Goldilocks I too need something that is “just right”. So I’m home from camping. I’ve got my moon charged creek water and quartz treasures to mark the passage of the magic I did while away. And I’m remembering that, it’s ok to honor my limits. To Witch the way that fits for me. And I want you to remember that too! Your magic and the way you work with it and wield it is specific to who you are. Embrace it! My friends, just a reminder that the 3rd Annual Cauldron of Wisdom Virtual Conference is less than a week away. All ten classes will be streamed via Zoom and in a private Facebook group, plus they are all recorded so you can join us live or watch and rewatch at your convenience. You can find the full lineup, schedule and registration HERE As a bonus, all registrants not already enrolled in the Diving Deeper Membership Circle will receive a coupon code to get one month FREE! Keep the community going by joining in for New and Full Moon rituals and wheel of the year ceremonies, then uplevel your practice with access to a myriad of classes and meditations. See you round the cauldron! Wise Ones,
How is the Spring season moving through and around you? This time of year I usually take some time off work. Sometimes I travel, sometimes I camp. This year I’m doing both. After a trip up to the Pacific Northwest I am now headed out to the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. The thing about both of these trips is that they give me the opportunity to get closer to nature. To wander the land without a schedule outside of my body’s needs and heart desires. I can spend hours in motion or stillness. I can hike trails, traverse water or just stare at the leaves in the trees and listen to the epic bird song of the season. It’s simple really, this act of reconnecting to the earth and to my body. Yet it can sometimes feel challenging to take this time. What’s true is I don’t need to be on vacation to do it, yet somehow the spaciousness of these moments allow me a deeper drop in and connection. And connect I have. On the ferry across Puget Sound I was mesmerized by the water and all the life within. In Olympic National Park, I felt the story of the earth and the land spirits that live there. And I know the beings of the land I am about to embark upon. I have seen them over the years peeking out of trees and stumps, blending into the granite formations and slipping beneath the creeks surface, disguising their voices in the nightly frogsong. Every place has its beings, its spirits, its lifeforces. Do you believe in fairies? I do. And this is one of their incarnations. These nature spirits that surround us, wherever we go. I once wrote a persuasive speech about why you should believe in fairies. I got an A. Because it was really good. And I had legit research to back it up. Maybe you believe in the spirits of place and land but maybe “fairy” takes it a little too far for you. I’d like to invite you to join me at the 3rd annual Cauldron of Wisdom Virtual Conference where I will be teaching about working with the Fae. I’ll present to you some history of these beings, some theories about their existence and origins and we will discover ways to connect with them and work with their energies. Then you can decide if you believe in fairies too. (And I might be overly confident but I think you will!) This virtual conference is happening in just under two weeks on April 14th and 15th. Over two days and 10 workshops we will be deepening into our magical wisdom and practice, building community and celebrating our witchery! The conference is available via zoom or if you prefer you can watch it in our private Facebook group. All workshops will be recorded and registrants have lifetime access to the replays. There is still time to register! I’m off to the mountains to dance with the Fae under the Full Moon, to leave them offerings in the crooks of trees and the grooves of stone. May you have a most enchanting week Wise Ones! |
Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
December 2024
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