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Erin LaFaive of Full Circle Herbals and I have once again come together to craft up a celebration guide for you for the upcoming Spring Equinox. There are two versions of this guide. The 14 page mini free version which you can get HERE And the 40+ page full guide which you can purchase HERE. We will also be co-hosting a Spring Equinox ceremony on March 20th. More details coming soon on that one. In the meantime be sure to grab your free guide and begin to dream your own celebration into being.
The first time I used Tarot to tell an actual story I was led into it blindly. One of the women in my Circle shared the activity with us, but didn’t tell us the details of the process until the end. The surprise at the end shifted the perspective of the story from third person to first. And a lightbulb went off! Powerful messages emerged in that story that arrived in a very timely way. There is so much in our unconscious that comes out in the creative process. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes completely by surprise. Since then I have often turned to my Tarot deck for inspiration and direction with creative endeavors and have found it to be the muse in many of my writing projects. This Saturday February 26th at 9 am, you are invited to drop into sacred space with me and create your own magical writing! Using your lifetime card (and your year card) as some of the foundational pieces for the story you tell, we will also utilize card pulls and writing prompts to unfold the story waiting to be told inside of you. Once Upon a Time…reaches backward and forward across time and space to create a narrative that is ready to be written. This class is two hours. The replay and handout will be available for the registrants afterward. Register here!
Whether it was the full moon, a few extra tasks that needed immediate tending in my already packed days or just a fluke I can’t be entirely sure.
But what I do know is that my worst moments were the two days before the Full Moon and as soon as that moon hit its peak, I did too. I crashed. I required stillness and quiet. The universe provided me with several unexpected hours of emptiness. I did not work. I did not return calls. I rested. I watched a little TV. I cried. And that was all I needed to refuel. Some moons hit us harder than others. How did this last week land for you, Wise Ones? When we start to follow the cycles of the moon, paying attention to its ebb and flow, we begin to notice that some of these cycles are reflected in us. We might discover that one phase influences us more than another. We might discover we are more connected to that lunar vibe than we ever realized. Some of you may already be following that lunar rhythm. Some of you might even be leaning into the energy it offers by timing spells and rituals to sync up with the moon phase. Here are some ideas for working with the lunar energy. Want to set an intention? The New Moon offer a perfect pause before growth to do just that. Want to call something in? Grow an idea? A project? The Waxing Moon nourishes that growth energy. Want to super charge or cleanse something? The Full Moon can support both of these things. Its intensity can help you surrender and let go just as it can add its energy to a culmination or raising of a vibration. Are you ready to banish or reduce something in your life? The Waning Moon lends its reduction to these practices. So the next time you find yourself wanting to cast a spell or perform a ritual, take a peek at where the moon is at in her journey and add her energy to the mix. As you may already know, I offer monthly New and Full Moon rituals in my Diving Deeper Membership. And I am now offering them as a subscription all on their own. For those of your that might be interested in just the Lunar ceremonies, you now have a way to access these without the full Diving Deeper Membership. The Moon Ritual Subscription gives you access to all the live moon rituals and their replays. Curious? Get 50% off your first month using promo code MOON50 at checkout. Our next ritual is for the New Moon and we will gather to celebrate March 1st! The 2 of Swords When you look at that picture above, what story do you tell yourself about it? What feelings come up? What thoughts? Some of you might know that the 2 of swords is my favorite Tarot card. It is a reminder to me that often the only obstacle in my way is myself. It says that although sometimes I feel like I can’t see a situation clearly, or I’m feeling blocked or stuck and powerless too, all I have to do is set the damn swords down and take off the blindfold. We are so good at blocking ourselves and much of the time we don’t even realize it. My Tarot deck is excellent at offering me new ways to look at situations and posing questions that need to be pondered. (Even when I don’t want to ponder them.) My Tarot deck is not only good at offering up insight, but it is also a powerful tool for our imaginative realms. Come tell your story! Once Upon a Time…a writing workshop that uses Tarot as a guide. Using our Tarot decks, our creativity, some carefully crafted writing prompts and a little bit of magic, we will tell a tale that reaches backward and forward through time and helps us discover a little more about ourselves and the journey we are each on. We will also discover our lifetime cards and year cards to help us root more deeply into the main character of our story. Ourselves! This 2 hour class is being offered Saturday February 26th at 9 am PT. Bring your favorite Tarot deck, pen, paper, open heart and mind and write with me! (want to join but only have Oracle decks? Don’t worry, that will work just fine) Sign up today and I’ll see you Saturday! I'd like to leave you with the question, what is your favorite Tarot card? And why? and listened to the songs of hundreds of birds. Singing the sun up, welcoming the day and sending their good mornings out to each other. It was like a symphony, all their voices melding together to create this one epic song. The longer I listened the more I began to discern the individual voices of the birds. Some sang high and some lower, some chirped while other trilled and even the crows played their role, their sharp caws, softened as they blended. In my pjs and clogs and warm fleece coat, I stood outside. I took it all in. Allowing the song to blend and then separate over and over. I wasn't out there long. Maybe 20 minutes. Yet that feeling has stayed with me through the rest of this day. The way that we can be one of many, and yet an individual too. That our energy is powerful and unique on its own, but when we merge it with others something more is created. Magic is this blending and melding of energies. How we see, experience and feel these is often influenced by our own filters. By our own song and how we listen to it. When we connect with the elements we are inviting their energies to blend with ours, when we invoke a deity, or set an intention we are mixing our own energy and the energy we raise together. When we gather together, and practice ceremony in group, we are all adding our own voice to the symphony we co-create. I talk a lot about living more in tune with the seasons and during this season, this last trek through the cold hands of Winter, I find my dreaming and visioning make its way closer to the surface. I find myself creating sometimes before even thinking about it too much. Almost as if my dreams begin to bridge the realms between sleeping and wakefulness. And I wonder what will happen if I allow these creations to meld into the energies of more than just myself. Consider this an invitation. As your dreams and visions begin to become creations, what new form or new life do they take on as you share them? What do they transform into if you meld them in the process of co-creation? This month in our Facebook Group and on Instagram, I am pulling a card each day and sharing it with you all. This began with the intention of supporting this simple daily practice for all of us. Today, I pulled Pagan Poetry from the Sacred Hags Oracle. This card blends in such a lovely way with this idea of creating, of giving yourself a voice and even of sharing that voice with others. Simple Practice Find a spot where you can either be outside or see outside. Set your timer for ten minutes. Put your pen to paper and write. No screens, no keyboards. Just you and the page. Need some ideas to get you started?
The card pulls I have been doing each day this month awoke an idea and from it a new class was born. I am offering “Once Upon a Time… Using Tarot to tell your Story” This is being held Saturday February 26th at 9am PT and will be about two hours. We will use numerology to discover our lifetime cards and year cards and use these to fuel the energy of our main character. Through a series of card pulls and writing prompts we will craft a tale that spans the before and after of this moment in your life. Any Tarot deck will do. Just bring your cards, your pen and paper, your intuition and creativity and an open mind and heart. If this is speaking to you, you can register here May your creative energy find its way through the still cold surface of the now and begin to weave itself into something that tells the story your heart longs to tell. at their miraculous bodies. Earthworms are sensing creatures. Without proper eyes and ears they do not see or hear, but they can sense light and vibration through their bodies.
They also have receptors in their skin that allow them to taste. Yes, that’s right, earthworms taste using their skin. And breathe through their skin. And they have 10 hearts. Or 5. Or zero. Depending on your definition of a heart. You see earthworms have 10 aortic arches, or 5 pairs of these. These are single chambers, where as the human heart has multiple chambers. So if you consider a heart to be a multiple chambered organ then you might argue that earthworms have no hearts. Personally, I like to think that any creature that moves through the world encased completely in sensation and tasting the world with their skin, has at least ten hearts. As I tucked the worms back beneath damp soil to save their precious skin from the unseasonable warm sun (and the keen eye site of my chicken, Lucy), I thanked them for all their hard work beneath the earth and said prayers of gratitude for the worms, for the moistness of the soil and for the forecast that promises more rain to come. Why the earthworm? Magical friends, I could go on and on about the important job of the earthworm, reveling in the wonder that is this small but mighty creature. But instead I want to invite you to pause for a moment and to consider the ways your intuitive self mirrors this segmented squiggly helper. When you open your senses and tune into your intuitive body, you experience the world in many ways the earthworm does, feeling vibrations and light and dark, experiencing sensation through every inch of your intuitive “skin”, and perhaps even feeling emotions as if you too had ten beating hearts. When you feel into your intuition, and use your felt sense as your guide you might find yourself feeling vulnerable, or perhaps even overwhelmed. Yet when we allow for this connection to be practiced regularly, we grow more tolerant of these sensations, we can sit in this space for longer periods of time the world opens in whole new ways before us. Like the earthworm our sensing skin is tender, and yet also like the earthworm it is our superpower. What happens when you let down your armor (trust me we all have some in varying degrees of thickness) and allow yourself to tune into what your felt sense is communicating to you? Simple Practice: Close your eyes and begin by tuning into your sensations What do you feel on your skin? What do you smell? What do you “see” when your eyes are closed? What do you hear? Smell? Taste? Once rooted in your felt sense, think of a time when you “just knew” something. Where did you feel this in your body? What was the sensation? What senses did you use or experience this sensation through? The answers may be different for each of you. We all have different relationships with our bodies, different ways we “listen” to our senses. This practice, although simple, is important. When you know what your intuition “sounds” like, it’s much easier to understand the messages it is giving you. Did you catch Priestessing in the Modern World today? If not, you have a couple of ways to tune in. The replay can be found here. Or if you prefer to participate live, you can join me for an encore presentation Friday January 28th at 1:30 pm PT. (You can also do both!) Registration is open! Todays’ class marked the opening of registration for the Priestess Path, the 12 month 13 moon journey into Self. You can learn more about the path by reading about it here. Or if you have been waiting for this day you can head straight over to the registration page to claim your space. The cohort for the Priestess Path has space for 12. 2 spots have already been spoken for. Is one of the remaining ones, yours? Have questions? I’ll be doing three livestreams this week to address some of the questions I’ve been asked about the Priestess Path and make some room for any new ones you all might have. The first of these is tomorrow, Monday, January 24th at 10 am PT. I’ll be chatting about the first section of the Priestess Path which is made up of foundational practices. You can tune in over on the Facebook Page and the Wise Woman Witchery Facebook group. Can’t make the livestreams but still have questions? Reply to this email. Happy sensing everyone. With Love and Blessings, Emily |
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