Eclipse season is here. This Friday November 19th the full moon in Taurus will be bringing with it the longest eclipse we’ve seen in quite some time. This eclipse will last 6 hours and will be a partial eclipse. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area we are expecting this to begin just about 10 pm PT and reach its peak at 1 am. Although not quite a full lunar eclipse, we can expect that here we will see it looking quite blanketed in shadow.
Be sure to check to see what time you might be able to catch this event in your area. Full Moons are such a powerful time. The energy of the moon is at its peak as it shines its abundant light. It is unshadowed and unbound. This time is one that we can align our magical workings with to amplify our intentions and spells. It is also a time we can cleanse and charge our magical tools, release and even use the energy for forgiveness. When the moon is at its pinnacle it offers us higher vibrations and just a little (or a lot) “more”. Taurus is a fixed sign and one that likes comfort and stability. An eclipse is motion and change. So if you find yourself feeling a little unsettled or uncomfortable with this week's full moon, do not be surprised. I like to think about eclipses in the way that they bring shadow to the forefront. They invite what has been hidden to become seen. If we equate the moon to our emotional bodies, we can ask the question, “What emotions have I been pushing down or avoiding?” or “What shadow aspects of myself have I not seen or been keeping hidden?” AND “Am I ready to unveil these things now?” Connecting with the lunar eclipse and its cyclical process might be just the thing you need to help you bring some of these aspects to the surface and shine that unveiled full moon energy into those dark corners.
Lunar Samhain was this last Thursday and I have been dreaming loudly because of it. Deep and visionary dreams with visitations and prophecies I have yet to untangle the meanings of.
How have you been dreaming? What have you been remembering in those sweet in between moments, before rising from bed? I notice when I take time for my dreams, when I give them space to be remembered, they become clearer and more frequently follow me back to the waking realm. I then begin to discover the gems of information and inspiration that live in the images and emotion that made the crossing from sleep into waking. Are you connecting with your dreams? Do you remember them? Share them? Write them down? Our dream selves have much more access to our deeper realms, to other realms and to all the places our waking ego gets in the way of us accessing. Have you ever tried dream divination? Get clear and concise on the question you want to ask. Write it down on a piece of paper. Before you go to sleep read the paper aloud to yourself just before you shut off your light. Tuck it beneath your pillow and see what unfolds. Be sure to write your dream down as soon as you wake as this is when they are usually clearest. Happy Dreaming Everyone! As we traverse this time when access to otherworlds is so much easier to make and the shadows grow deeper inviting us into our inner realms, I have been thinking a lot about the role of the psychopomp.
In mythology, this is the guide that takes us from the land of the living into the otherworld at the time of death. There are many gods and goddesses who fill this role across different pantheons. A couple of examples of these important guides are Anubis in the Ancient Egyption pantheon, the Banshee in Irish traditions, Thanantos in Greek mythology and even our friend the Grim Reaper. A psychopomp can also be an animal and is often seen as a bird, or a flock of birds that lead the way to the underworld/otherworld. In Jungian Psychology a psychopomp is the mediator between the conscious and the unconscious realms. Symbolically a psychopomp might make itself known in the dream state as a wise being in human form or an animal or even an otherworldly being. As we honor our beloved dead and make our way deeper into Self, let us offer gratitude for these beings that pass between both internal and external worlds and guide us along our paths. |
Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
December 2024
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