The veils are thin.
The calendar date of Samhain on the 31st of October/ 1st of November hold a collective energy, as so many people use these dates as the marker for this celebration. However, astronomically Samhain is actually on November 7th. This is the true cross quarter day. Maybe you are feeling a deepening into the in between. Maybe you are noticing that the energy as we move deeper into this month has brought you deeper into connection with other worlds. Here in my corner of the world we are navigating an anticipatory loss of a loved one and I have been talking to our beloved dead often. Asking for guidance, and support. For assistance and care for our loved one and for those with breaking hearts. It can be difficult, here in the in between. There are many truths and realities that coexist that seem paradoxical. We can grieve and laugh, feel sad and angry, find beauty and horror all at once. In truth this is what it means to be human. Yet in this in between all of it is amplified. Time speeds up and slows down all at once. It’s a strange liminal space. If you have been here or are here now, I see you. Whatever experience you are having right now you might take this time, this moment between the Equinox and Solstice to explore what is dying away with the lengthening nights of Autumn. You might even pull a few cards or journal with the following prompts.
What is true my friends is that even here in the in between there are pockets of joy to be found… November is my personal birthday month and one I spend a great deal of time practicing gratitude during. I am so grateful for all of you. For this community that allows me to share witchery and wisdom and from whom I in turn learn so much from. As a thank you, I have put up several past classes that had been archived (these are recordings of live classes with all the written curriculum as applicable) and I am offering you 40% off on them. In fact all the classes in The Cauldron can be accessed for 40% off (membership circle and upcoming Winter Circle excluded). These classes include, The Restory your Life series, Honoring Our Sacred Grief, Witch Crafting , The Gift of the Labyrinth, Playing with Pendulums, and my ebook, Ground Yo’Self Use code NOV40 at checkout to take advantage of this offer until November 30th. Some of you may recall that I mentioned an upcoming seasonal circle. Starting at Winter Solstice and ending at Spring Equinox, I am hosting a 6 session and two ritual circle to hold and nourish participants through the Winter season. We begin with your invitation to the Diving Deeper Winter Solstice ceremony and then meet 6 times for an hour and a half through the Winter months, ending with a Spring Equinox ceremony. We will be using ritual, creative arts, embodiment practices, spell work and connection in this group working with the themes of Deep Rest for our first three sessions and Self Love for the last three. If you think you might be interested in joining us please reply to this email and let me know and you will be the first to be notified when registration opens. This is a closed group with limited spots to help facilitate a deeper connection and trust.
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Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
February 2025
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