The 4th Annual Season of the Witch Conference is a wrap!
We had two full days of stellar classes that I think we will all be integrating for some time. After so much computer time, I decided to take today to break from screens. I woke up. Talk my husband into driving out to the ocean thinking this would be just the energy I needed. But we took our dogs. One of whom (the puppy) does not walk well (we are learning and by this I mean ALL of us are learning). So the trip to the ocean was exhausting in its own way and I left there more tense than I had arrived. I got home and saw the messes that needed tending, and the chores that had to be done and felt even more overwhelmed. Then I checked my email. And Social Media (because phone screens don’t count as screens right? Oh and I am a workaholic too) Needless to say, my day of rest did not feel very restful all of a sudden. But with the energy of the conference fueling me forward I knew the medicine I needed to find was connection. To the earth. To the elements. To myself. So I sat outside with my eyes closed and listened for a while. I heard the layers of sound; crows, squirrels, a woodpecker, traffic, a chainsaw, voices carried on the air. I heard windchimes and the scratching of my chicken’s feet in the freshly raked leaves. And through the threads of the world around me. Through the rhythm of this place and time, I discovered my tiredness. And I took a nap. It wasn’t a long nap. It wasn’t even a nap of deep sleep. But it was a nap of deep rest. A nap of surrender. A moment of honoring just where I was at. And that, sometimes, is the exact magick one needs to carry them forward. And it worked. I got up. I did some chores. I cleaned up a few messes (and surrendered the rest). I invite you to the discover the magick in you. Of you. The magick and medicine of this very moment right now. Ask yourself, how do I feel? what do I need? How can I reconnect? Then do the thing. The listening. The surrendering. The action. Do what you are called to and notice how much more in sync you feel to the world around you. Living in tune with the rhythms of the natural world, means living in tune with the natural rhythms of you too! Planner snafu My friends, I have been alerted that the 2024 daily planners folks have purchased have arrived with two Octobers in them. All the other months are there as well. My husband joked that this is because October is the witchiest month and the printers must have known there was a lot going on for all of us and we’d need extra space. I am working on correction the issue for future purchases and should have a link up and running again tomorrow or Tuesday. For those of you who have the double October version you might consider some cool ways to use it-journal for that month. Creating a collage amongst the pages. Using it to catalog extra notes and spells throughout the year. Use your imagination. And next October let me know what you decided to do! I’ll send out a new link when it’s available. Ancestor Honoring Each October I send out a three day series of emails about ways to connect with an honor your ancestors. This will be headed your way at the end of the month. So keep your eyes peeled for it. I have also started a community altar post over in our Facebook Group where you can share a picture (or two or three…) of your beloved dead as a place to remember and acknowledge. What is remembered lives!
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Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
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