I have been enamored with the falling leaves. Where I live in northern California, some trees are bare, while others are slowly dropping their leaves and still others are working on their changing of colors.
The sounds of the leaves falling, the shift for many from bright vibrant shades of red and gold to yellow and brown, the fact that every tree is moving and transforming at its own pace are all reminders of the uniqueness of our own transformations and evolutions. We do not all change and shed and grow together. Each of us has our own rhythm and pace. Nature can be such a steady guide when we take the time to truly notice what she is telling us. Where are you at in your own rhythm Wise Ones? Are you still exploring what you are ready to release, are you in progress or are you feeling the freedom (and vulnerability) of letting go? Simple Practice/Ritual: Meditate in silence on what you might be ready to release, surrender, offer up. Choose clothing items to represent these things. You might consider the weight of fabric and the feel of it on your skin and correlate this with the emotional or mental weight the things are ready to let go of. Dress yourself in these items and sit for 5-10 minutes in quiet feeling the sensation of all these items. Slowly and intentionally remove each of the items, one at a time. Pausing for a moment to notice the shift in sensation as you take these off. Notice if there is an urge to hang on to one item or another. Notice why. When you have removed all the items you chose sit for another 5-10 minutes meditating on the experience of feeling lighter, more vulnerable. Journal about this. You might complete the ritual with a shower or bath to symbolize the cleansing and clearing this experience offered. Holiday sales are ending! The Priestess Path 13 moon, 12 month journey begins with a new Cohort in January. When the registration officially opens at the end of the year the price will be increasing. As a holiday special I am offering you the opportunity to sign up between now and Monday November 28th, at midnight at last years price point. In addition when you sign up during this special early registration you will also receive the Priestess Path Book when we begin in January. This book is a printed copy of all the curriculum you receive digitally during the course. Plus you get an additional month of the Diving Deeper Membership free! This means you can join us for upcoming moon rituals, Winter Solstice and an astrology and seasonal plant class, all before the new year begins! Learn more about this path and register here Witch Crafting This time of year I am always crafting up goodies for friends and family (and sometimes for myself too). I have bundled together 4 of my mini classes (30 min or less with videos and handouts), covering the following,
Get this bundle before midnight Monday and you’ll be crafting up some magic for the holidays and all year round! Register Here Seasonal Guidebook Bundle If you have been following me for a while then you know about the celebration guidebooks I have been collaborating with Erin La Faive from Full Circle Herbals on. Each Equinox and Solstice we have created guidebooks designed to help you celebrate the seasons through a series of reflections, altar creations, crafts, rituals, tarot spreads, divination practices and recipes. For this holiday sale we are offering all four e-books (regularly $22 each), for $44. Plus you get video recordings of seasonal rituals for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. This offer ends tomorrow at midnight CT. Get Yours Now! Friends, keep your eyes on your inbox. I’ll be sending you our magical countdown to the New Year calendar and I know you’ll want to print it out and follow along.
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