At this point in the fall season, we begin to see the sights and sounds of Halloween appear around us. Pumpkins and Skeletons are popping up on lawns and doorsteps. This season is so often associated with Witches and perhaps its because of the spooky nature of the season and the spooky associations often made with witches or perhaps it is simply that as we move toward Halloween we also feel the mysterious nature of the season emerge and witches often hold an allure of mystery too.
Does the word turn you off? Repel you? Confuse you? Excite you? Awaken you? I ask you again, Wise One, what do you feel when you hear the word Witch? The thing is, “Witch” is loaded. It has been tossed around as a slur. Women (and men) have lost their lives over accusations of being a “Witch”. The word itself can conjure images of green faced, wart covered cackling hags or women in the woods luring children into their homes in order to cook and eat them. We may think of Witches as women casting hexes or curses. Or we may think of them riding off on their broomsticks or cavorting with the Devil. Yet, Witch has also been reclaimed by many women and men to reflect their following of Earth based spirituality. Wicca and Wiccan practitioners often use this word to describe themselves. But not all Witches are Wiccan. And I have yet to meet a Witch who worships the Devil or eats children. Of course, there are light and shadow sides to every word, every belief system and to humankind in general. We all hold shadow and light. I will spare you the long historical story of the Witch word. If you are interested in learning about this there are a myriad of books on the topic. Today I want to share with you my identification with the word Witch and how this connects to my spiritual practices and most importantly to the work I am doing at Wise Woman Witchery. First of all, I am not Wiccan. I practice some things that are found in the Wiccan belief system, but this is not how I identify my path. My spiritual practice has been formed over time through experiencing many different earth based practices and different takes on some of the same practices. When I hear the word Witch, my associations are naked feet on the earth, herbs and herbal medicine, living in rhythm with the cycles of nature (for me part of this is following the Wheel of the Year), using the tools of divination as a way to tap more deeply into one’s intuition and the messages of Spirit/Source, and tuning into and honoring the energies of all things (including place, stones, foliage, animals, people and spirits/guides). The Witch path for me is so embedded in my day to day that making Magic in my life can be as simple as stirring love into the food I’m cooking, calling a friend or loved one when they randomly pop into my mind, lighting a candle and saying an intention or a prayer, or anointing myself with oil and an intention as I prepare to move through my day. It is also gratitude for all things.(I am well known for talking to and thanking animals, trees, rocks and plants aloud and sometimes in public). When I make tea or medicine from plants I am making magic (this is a callback to my many potions I created as a child). When I clear space or energy, meditate for calm or for information, connect to my Helping Spirits and Wise Beings, do a tarot or oracle reading or hold a crystal or stone to share in its energy, I am practicing Magic. And when I am whispering a prayer, lighting a candle, taking an intentionally deep breath to clear my own tension or anxiety, choosing my Wonder Woman underwear or bright red lipstick for an extra energy or confidence boost, I am also creating Magic. This Magic lives in me (and you!) every single day. I choose to bring it to the surface in my daily activities and actions (to be honest, I’ve done this for so long now I can’t imagine living a non-magical life), and it is this Magic that for me I equate with being a Witch. When I state that I am a Witch, I feel the Magic that lives in me and in every being and I feel empowered by the connection this energy creates. All that being said, this might not be the right word for you. Even as new women have come into my women’s circle, (a place where we cast a circle and do ritual on a weekly basis) some have struggled with the word Witch. (Remember how I said it is a loaded word?). I have had family members be concerned, confused and even put off by my use of the word (You should have seen me trying to explain Witch Camp at a family gathering). I believe our spiritual paths are ours. It is important to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. I trust that this is how we create and nurture our own Magic and empowerment. If Witch doesn’t fit, don’t claim it. You may resonate with all the practices and information I share and yet not consider it magic or not resonate with the word Witch. In fact that word may be very uncomfortable for you. That’s ok. You get to decide what sits right for you. You get to claim the words and practices that nurture your Spiritual and Sacred Self. And I want to support you in this! Regardless of your own relationship with the word Witch, something has drawn you to this community . Whether you embrace that word, or instead relate more to the idea of paganism or earth based spiritual practices, you have found your way here. Perhaps you identify as a Witch and perhaps you don’t, either way Wise One there is magic inside of you and I am grateful you are here because I want to support you in embracing it! In just two days I am gathering with 9 other Wise Witchy Humans to share with you our magic and invite you step more fully into yours. If you have ever been curious about the divination tools of Tarot and Runes, we have you covered. Want to learn how to bring essential oils into your magical practice? We have a class for that too. Perhaps herbal potions speak to you. We will be learning about ways to play with our plant allies and craft up some magic. Or maybe you are curious about deepening your own inner power and perhaps even connecting with Spirit and those that have come before. We will be exploring both of these practices. And maybe Samhain and the thinning veils are what call to you Wise One. During our time together we will be exploring ways to heal our ancestral story. The 3rd Annual Season of the Witch Conference is full of magical tools for your toolbox and absolutely loaded with wisdom for you to add to your own practice. (We also have some really stellar giveaways from our presenters) See you in the Circle.
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