I was wearing an emerald green silk dress, it was warm and a very rare summer storm was churning the sky into shades of purple and blue.
Thunder rolled. Then the heavens opened and the rain came. Sheets of it. The smells of Summer blended with the scent of wet asphalt and I was intoxicated with all of it! There was a farmers market/street fair happening and people were racing to cover their wares. I just stood there getting soaked and laughed. Laughed at the joy and freedom of a storm, of Summer, of being 18, of being in new love. I laughed because I was completely present, and in that moment present meant happy and awestruck. Even at 18 I recognized the sacredness of this rare thunderstorm, of this wild and unbound moment. There are many memories from Summers before and since, yet as I sat to write to you today about Summer Solstice, this is the one that came to foreground. This was before I celebrated the change of seasons, before I found home in the word Witch. Yet this moment was magic. What memories come to the surface when you hear the word Summer? The official turning of the Wheel is June 21st this year. This is the longest day and the first day of Summer. How are you celebrating? Simple Practice Ghosts of Summers Past Take some time with your journal to “remember” the following (pick at least 4 or do them all if you feel called) A Summer Storm A Beach Day A Rope Swing A BBQ Lawn Games Fireworks Summer Smells Summer Songs A Summertime love Summer Vacation *Revisiting your Summertime Past Self, what themes did you discover? *What feelings, energies, synchronicities arise from these rememberings? *In what ways can these weave themselves into an intention for your Summer? *How can this intention become a ritual for your celebration of the Solstice? Want more? I’ve got a couple of options for you. If you haven’t signed up already, get your FREE Summer Solstice Planning Pages Or if you are ready for a little more, get the full 40+ page Summer Solstice Celebration Guidebook, full of ideas for celebrating the season, divination ideas, questions for both reflections and exploring the natural world around you, recipes and craft ideas. As a bonus you get access to the Community Summer Solstice Ritual hosted by Erin LaFaive of Full Circle herbals and I. This will be on Zoom June 18th at 2 pm PT. (Replay will be available) According to the Merriam Webster dictionary A Coven is: 1): a collection of individuals with similar interests or activities 2): an assembly or band of usually 13 witches The truth is, a coven does not need to be made up of 13 witches (thus the “usually”). It can also be called a Circle, a Gathering, a Community, a Clan, or even a Gang. Are you part of a Coven? Do you want to be? Whether you are looking to breathe some new life into an existing Circle, or curious about starting one from scratch, Coven Crafting has all you need to help you create and maintain the Coven you have been imagining. In this two hour class we will
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Emily Morrison MA, MFTArchives
February 2025
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