I do.
If there is one superpower I hold above all others it is my ability to love fast and fierce. I used to joke about how I can fall in love every 5 minutes. Except it’s not really a joke, because I do fall in love at least every five minutes. Whether it is with something beautiful, a person, an animal, words someone spoke or wrote, a delicious bite of food…well you get the picture. I love with my whole self. And love is the foundation for my life. This week we celebrate Valentine’s day. This hallmark candy and rose laden holiday is not one I subscribe to. But it does invite the energy of love into the collective. Romantic love certainly. But with the increase in Galentines events and gatherings, we also get that platonic love vibe moving through the ethers. Who do you love? How do you love? In what ways do you offer love to yourself? To others? Simple Practice Make a Valentine Make two One for you and one for someone you love Get out your art supplies and cut out paper hearts Make them funky Or beautiful Let your creative self create No judgements Let your love infuse into each movement of your hands Hang your valentine next to you mirror Give the other one away During this time of unsettled energy in the collective Give love wings Let this be your love spell The Latest Want to make some magic with me? Irisanya Moon and I will be crafting up a Love Altar and offering a Love Oracle this Saturday February 15th at Brew Coffee and Beer house in Santa Rosa at 1:30 pm. Local Witches, stop by and gather with us! Readings! I’ll be offering readings at the Whimsy Market March 15th at Jack London Village. Say hello and explore all the witchy goods on display. The Spring Conference is happening! Stay tuned for details. This year’s theme is Witchcraft for Resiliency. I already have a fabulous lineup of past teachers forming. This year I’d also like to open the door to you. If you have a class you’d like to teach, fill out this form to be considered for the conference Summer Solstice Retreat If you are longing for some time in magical community, close to the land, the Summer Solstice Retreat might be just what you are looking for. Come reground and regroup beneath the trees and sun and stars for four days of ceremony, spell work. Rejuvenation and community. Learn more and register here The Witch Next Door is back. I dropped a short episode yesterday for you all and will be continuing to create and host this podcast in the coming weeks and months. Listen in Finally. I created an updated version of my e-book “Ground Yo’Self a guide for earthing your roots” and it’s FREE!
All 3,256 days of it.
I jest. But January did seem long didn’t it? I want to share with you all a little bit about where I have been of late. Not interested? Skip down to the next section where I offer a practice for Witchcraft in times of upheaval. At the end of 2024, I started to make some moves around shifting platforms and looking at Wise Woman Witchery through a business lens. It felt weird. And kind of yucky. In 2020 my business picked up a little steam. With people home my online reach grew and so too did our community. In 2024 my reach was stunted. Whether by algorithms or a flood of Witchery options on the market I can’t be sure. But by the end of the year I started really looking at the future of this heart project. I took a marketing class. They pushed using Chat gpt for so many things. Copy, messaging, describing self, creating classes. It all felt bad. Apparently it’s effective. But it feels bad. In addition to the environmental damage AI does to our earth, it also felt like it was taking my writing, my heart work, my humaness and dumbing it down. Playing psychological games with words and not even letting me show up as myself. So I found myself circling back to the questions “How does one bring offerings authentically into the world, but still manage to pay their bills?” “How can I reach people when I am competing against computers that are clearly “smarter” than I am about the world of online marketing and what grabs people's attention?” I don’t have all the answers. But what I do have are perhaps more compelling questions. “What does this community need now?” “How can I stay true to my values and morals and truths and be in service?” And finally “How do I do this in a sustainable way?” I’m mulling these things over and letting them guide me. I’m talking to my allies, to my ancestors and to the land. I’m listening to the voice of my heart. And as the answers unfold I hope you will be here with me to discover what comes next. Witchcraft for Times of Upheaval Things are pretty unsettled here in the US right now. Maybe you’re feeling the shaky ground we are standing on too. I’m going to be sending you a few tips in coming newsletters for simple practices you can use to support yourself (and others) Today’s Witchcraft tip is all about grounding. How do you ground yourself? Where is your center? What are the tools you use to reconnect to the moment and to yourself. Here are a few of my favorites.
Why ground? The most simple answer is it settles your nervous system and brings you back to yourself, your center. If we want to work with energy effectively we need to be a steady conduit for that energy. If we want to work magic, we need to be grounded. It is in this rootedness that clarity can arise, that messages have more space to not only come through but to be understood, that our magic can flow and be more effective. Dearest Wise Ones, take good care of your sacred selves. Maybe you are feeling it too. This destabilizing energy of the incoming administration here in the US has taken up a lot of air in the collective room.
I’ve been hearing about it from friends and clients and doing my best to stay informed and take breaks too. I’ve had moments where I have felt deeply disconnected from my Craft and unable to access my own inner spark. But then it shifts. The hum of the bees in the willow tree. The murmur of birds flying so close this morning my friend and I could hear them. The earnest and sweet storytelling of my 4 year old nephew. All of these things bring back my connection to source. But something deeper has been niggling in my belly too. Whether it is the voice of the earth or the sky, or the whispers of ancestors, I am not yet sure, but there is something brewing deep within me. And all the little places of reconnection are guiding me toward something bigger. I just don’t know what yet. What I do know is that we are guaranteed that there will always be change. That even in the darkness the light returns. And in my own moments of darkness this is a Truth that I hold onto as a guiding light. Here in the Northern Hemisphere nature is doing her thing and turning us closer to the light and the Spring. This coming Saturday is Imbolc (or Imbolg) This literally means “in the belly”. And while we certainly find ourselves in the belly of Winter to be certain but it is also the belly of fertility, as animals begin to mate and some to give birth. This celebration marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is a time for celebrating the coming Spring, for preparing homes and (where possible), garden beds and fields. Weather witching also arrives with Imbolc. Remember our friend the Groundhog? It is said that if he pokes his head out on the 2nd of February and sees his shadow, 6 more weeks of foul Winter weather are to come, while if the sky is grey, and his shadow is in hiding, then these last 6 weeks of Winter will be mild. A similar story of weather divination lies with the Winter Hag, the Callieach, who goes to gather her firewood at Imbolc and if the day is fine and fair, she finds herself able to gather lots of wood which suggests the remainder of Winter will be fierce, while if the day is dark and dreary and only a bit of wood is found, the Spring will emerge sooner. It is likely you also have heard that Imbolc is the goddess Brigid’s day. She is a goddess of fire and water, of forge and healing, of creativity and poetry. This day was a day to celebrate and honor her and ask for her blessings. Simple Practice Light a white candle Pour milk into a bowl and mix in a drizzle of honey Meditate on what the awakening of the earth feels like inside of you Ask yourself what seeds you would like to plant in your life What seeds you’d like to plant in your community (You can use Tarot or Oracle cards for deeper inquiry if desired) Spend some time journaling about these things Then whisper into the milk and honey the seeds you are preparing to plant Pour the bowl on the land where you live If you want to read a bit more about Imbolc and get some ideas for celebrating you can check out my blog from Imbolc 2020 And if you would like to meet Brigid at her sacred well, you can listen to a meditation on the Witch Next Door podcast here Sending you all so much Love, Emily PS if you are needing a little community and a space to listen and be heard, I am hosting a sharing circle on Wednesday at 4:45 PT. You can sign up to receive the link https://forms.gle/LFxcChZHUvUps5GC8 This is a circle for sharing and listening, for those of us that are feeling the negative impacts of the new administration. Please note: If you are happy about the incoming president and his plans, this is not the space for you at this time. How are you today?
It is inauguration day here in the United States and I know many people are feeling all the feels about this. I am too. I have my own feelings about the current state of the government and the political landscape at this time, and added to that are the voices I am hearing amongst my friends, clients, community and the cultural tapestry social media algorithms filter into my feed. There is fear and sadness and anger. There is also distraction, avoidance and escape. I know that some people are happy. I’m personally hearing very little of this joy, but that likely has A LOT to do with where I live and the communities I am a part of. I thought I was going to write a newsletter this week focused on authenticity. What it means to me. How it impacts my business, personal life and magical practice. And I know that letter will eventually make its way to your inboxes. But this morning as I read several speeches by Martin Luther King Jr, I realized I wanted to write about the importance of rest and waking. We live in a culture full of ways to “check out”. From phones, to gaming to movies and TV. We live in a world where drinking alcohol is a way to unwind. Or as the billboard down the street says “I’m getting high and feeling fine” And all of these things have their place. They can be fun and even restful. But they can also lure you away from what’s real. Including you! Using these things in excess can send us into a void state. I know when I’ve had enough of games or tv or computer time, because I get cranky, and edgy and can’t really stand to be in conversation. In those moments, I MUST GET OUTSIDE!!!! And it feels just like that. All caps and exclamation points. I have to find my way back to myself and the fastest track there is to reconnect with the natural world and move my body. Even if that is just walking around my yard or pulling a few weeds. Even if it means getting in the car and driving to the beach or the park for a walk or hike. It is always important to find ways to rest and rejuvenate. It is equally important to be awake. To be aware. When we check out our power goes dormant. We are no longer actively present in our bodies and minds. Our Magic is silent. When we tap back in, there is a reboot. These things are suddenly accessible once more. I write this today to invite you to rest. It’s ok to watch a show, or play a videogame. It’s ok to have a glass of wine (unless you’re me, then don’t do that). But please don’t distract so much that you disconnect from yourself. I invite you to rest and renew and then re-engage. The world needs you. And it needs your magic too! Simple Practice Energy Bath Rub your hands together until they are warm. Hold them about a foot apart and feel the energy between them. Imagine this energy growing. You might even imagine it has a color. Feel the vibration of this energy intensify Then using your hands, feel this energy channeling through your hands and starting at the top of your head brush it over your body Move from top to bottom If you lose the energetic connection come back to the place you started by rubbing your hands together and beginning again I leave you with this poem- Written by Loryn Brantz...g: INAUGURATION 2025 In a time of hate..... Love is an act of resistance. In a time of fear..... Faith is an act of resistance. In a time of misinformation..... Education is an act of resistance. In a time of poor leadership..... Community is an act of resistance. In a time like this....... Joy is an act of resistance. Resist........ Resist....... Resist. On New Year's morning I found myself watching the sunrise over the beautiful hills of Sonoma County.
We had camped overnight to avoid any neighborhood ruckus and awoken to a beautiful dawn. We went for a walk and I reveled in nature. As we wandered along paths, I thought about how important it is for me to get out to the expansive spaces more often and about how much I want to spend more time in the natural world this year. That morning as we packed up camp I felt a sense of calm and happiness. My husband was hitching up the trailer and I was standing quietly with the dogs nearby when Bam! I was on the ground. And then I was being dragged on my back, one arm behind me, one above me and my huge dogs lunging toward dogs that had come near our campsite. It all happened in one second. I wasn't prepared, I was holding leashes too loosely and wrapped around my hands. My husband grabbed the leashes, I got up and the pain in my body was so intense I was sure I had broken many things but the worst of all was my hand. And so my friends this message comes to you via voice dictation. What I am learning is that writing with my voice is so different than writing with my hand that the way my brain forms sentences changes when I put them into my mouth instead of just channeling them through my fingers. If my narrative sounds slightly different that's why. I'm not too broken (thankfully) just one finger but it's amazing how many things you use your fingers for! That being said, I feel like a broken finger is just one more way the universe keeps telling me to go slow. To pay attention. And so that is my intention this year, slow down, pay attention. My word is Pause. I have so much that I want to share with you all about the things I've been thinking about and discovering over the last few weeks. I know I've been pretty quiet. I've been Hermiting. And yes it is a verb. Maybe you've been Hermiting too. I'm getting done what needs to get done. I'm sleeping more. Taking lots of baths. Listening to music. Reading. My body is telling me this is not the time for a resolution to go harder or faster, try something new or get more done. My body is telling me this season is quiet, this season is one for rest and dreaming and visioning. When you lean into Winter what does your body tell you? Simple Practice: Find an image of the Hermit, this might be from your Tarot deck or other deck searched online. Be with this card. Examine the details, the colors. Take 5 and write about what you see, feel, believe about the energy of this image. Then take another 5 minutes and journal about how these energies are showing up in your life right now how is the hermit an ally? (If the Hermit doesn't speak to you pick a Winter Goddess or God and do the same.) over the holidays I cleaned out my garage. well a corner of it anyway. and as I was going through bins and boxes I discovered all sorts of bread crumbs left by my past self. there amongst all the papers that I was saving I discovered outlines for workshops and circles that I had written over 15 years ago. Only one of these was ever put into play at that time. the others never filled when I advertise them and instead they found themselves left as just papers unrealized. yet as I went through those papers those outlines the things my past self wanted to do and create I realized I had done and created many of those things in wise woman Witchery. that these dreams my 15 years ago self wanted to manifest had come into being. that some of the things that I thought were new ideas had been percolating inside of me for ages. it's always surprising to me the way my past present and future selves dance. it's like they have a packed that my conscious mind is unaware of. maybe it's because I'm always on the go and my brain is always feeling like it's 12 steps ahead or maybe it's because sometimes I'm so in the moment once the moment is past everything in that moment is gone too. I don't know. but I do know it's exciting to see dreams come into being to watch as ideas become reality and as my past self gets to shine in the present. what what was your past self dreaming of? how might that come into the future? or the now? it's okay if you don't remember. I have a trick for that. Simple Practice: you will need a mirror a candle and darkness. set the mirror up so that the candle is reflected in it and nothing else turn off the lights steady your breath and let your gays soften into the mirror Focus your intention on listening to any messages your past self might have for you as you do notice what comes Into your mind. this simple practice is crying does not always show you actual visuals, but it does open a portal into your inner site, and this site can speak to you through thoughts ideas feelings and Sensations. I attended my first public ritual.
Although I had been flirting with organized Wicca and Witchcraft for a time, this particular ritual was one I attended for a project for a comparative religion class. I didn’t know it would change my life. Literally. In that ritual I saw my beloved dead, I felt the power of collective intention and directed energy and my path became very clear. It was a beginning. One of many along this Path of the Craft. Yesterday I went to the community center where that ritual was held. I was with a friend and fellow witch. We went to explore a craft fair. I’ve been back to that building for many rituals and events since that first one all those years ago, but it’s been at least 6 years since I had tread those floors. Yesterday as my friend shared her memories of this place and all the magic she had been a part of there, I too had my own feelings arise, A longing for those big community rituals stirred within. A desire to feel that energy of group intention and directed energy sparked in my breast. My feet remembered the dance of the spiral and itched to walk those steps once more. I love holding space for collective magic. In my heart I know this is a big piece of the work I am called to create. Hold. Offer. Over the last few years I have done most of this work virtually and I will continue to do so. There are so many people who do not have access to local witchery and ritual and the internet has filled a void. With this in mind I am inviting you to join me in the Winter Circle. There will be ritual. There will be visioning. Creating. Movement. Sharing. And of these things our co-created magic is born. Spend your Winter months in sacred spaces with me. This small group begins with the Winter Solstice ritual on December 21st. We then gather for 6 virtual circles moving through the themes of Deep Rest and Self Love and celebrating the coming of Spring with an equinox ritual. In additional participants in the Winter Circle will be enrolled in the Become the Seer- Prophecy 2025 workshop on December 28th. Come make magick in community and discover the power of community! Want to hang out in real life? The Summer Solstice Outdoor Retreat is open for registration. I know that as the seasons turn toward the beginning of Winter, Summer seems a long way off. Yet I wanted to give folks ample time for making their travel plans. I have also created several options for paying over time and opening registration now allows you to take advantage of these. You can learn more and register here. As always my friends if you have questions, please reply to this email. Finally, last week I sent out a call for you all to share your personal Winter rituals and traditions with me. These might be holiday focused or seasonally focused. I have received several emails with delightful traditions inside. As I begin to put together the podcast episode I’ll be using these for, i wanted to put the call out once more in case you have a tradition or ritual you’d like to share. As I am writing this the waning moon is still heavy and bright, the energy of the fall is waning too. We are over halfway through the season. As we move away from Samhain the days are getting shorter and shorter and the nights stretch so much longer.
How do you feel during this time of year? Do you lean into the longer nights as a way to rest more? To reflect more? To craft more? Do you start to get the blues as the sun wanes? I love the way this time of year pulls me inward. The sweaters, the boots, the stars that spend so much more time sparkling, it all brings a sense of cozy peace to me. During this season I start digging into practices in my craft that feel like fall to me. Simmer pots on the stove, candles burning on the altar. Time beneath the starry sky connecting with the constellations and the energy of the cosmos. Last night I sat in my yard and listened to hooting of a great horned owl and pondered this great bird and the power they hold, and the messages they bring. What are your autumnal practices? With the coming shift in the Season it is also time to get to crafting up the Winter Digest. If you would like to contribute an article, a recipe, a spell or instructions for a ritual or craft, the deadline for submissions is Friday November 22nd. You can email them to [email protected] I can’t wait to see what magick you are ready to share with the world! I’ve been cooking up some enchantment in the Wise Woman Witchery Cauldron and we’ve got some amazing things coming soon! If you are looking for some community to carry you through the Winter Season, I have just the space for you. The Winter Circle is a 6 session, 2 ritual offering that begins at the Winter Solstice and ends at the Spring Equinox. This circle is limited to 8 participants to foster trust and connection. During our 6 sessions we will be using embodiment practices, ceremony, expressive arts and the power of sharing our experiences to honor and support our journey through the Winter months. Join the Waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens! Want to gather in person? The Summer Solstice Outdoor Retreat is happening here in Northern California June of 2025. Mark your calendars for June 19th through the 22nd. Then make your travel plans and come camp with me and spend four days making magick together. Registration is opening soon. Get on the waitlist to be notified first I’m a sucker for both.
The ways in which we celebrate (or don’t celebrate), the gatherings of family and friends. When I was a kid my mom would often try to get us to deviate from the gift giving traditions of Christmas, to do an activity or take a trip or volunteer our time. And my Sister and Dad and I would say no, we like our tradition. We like our stuff. Yet as I’ve gotten older I see the value in these suggestions and the beauty in being able to pivot, to change traditions, to let go of rituals and stories that might not actually be benefiting anyone. Traditions and Rituals are touchstones in our lives, they evoke certain feelings and energies and often we repeat these ways of being and doing in order to evoke those feelings again and again. But what happens when the feeling that bubbles up isn;t the one you were trying for? What happens when rituals and traditions become burdensome or uncomfortable? In our human life we change and grow and change some more. It is inevitable that like with anything, some traditions and rituals will grow and deepen with us, while others will begin to lose their meaning or no longer serve their purpose. Reflections: What traditions do you have during the holidays? What rituals do you come back to each year? How do these make you feel? How are they supported (or not) by those around you? What is one new tradition or ritual you might try out this year? Need some ideas? The countdown to 2025 calendar is here This free printable invites you to do one intentional act a day, to cultivate a little more magick throughout the month. If you aren’t already in the Facebook group, join us as we move through this calendar together. Holiday Sale is still on! I am offering my overstock of journals, planners and guidebooks at a discount to you. Curious what's available? (For those that asked I've added pictures and a link to the video I made about the planner) Check out this link. All items are limited and once these sell out at this price I won't have any more. (You will still be able to find them online at their regular prices) I will be personally shipping these so if you bundle items together shipping will be for the full package. Once you complete your request I'll send you a paypal link for payment (venmo available too). Orders will ship within 48 hours. Witch Crafting I LOVE making handmade gifts. Give me some potions or crafts to concoct and I'm all in! Last year I bundled together several crafting classes for you. These can be used to create things as gifts or just add a little more to your personal practice. The classes include:
Winter Circle Creating community and spaces for connecting and making magick together is my heart work. Last year I created a Winter Circle, a 6 session two ritual space, that used embodiment practices, creative arts, ceremony and the sacredness of Circle to nourish ourselves and keep our magic burning through the Winter months. I am offering this again this year. We begin at the winter Solstice and end at the Spring Equinox. In addition to these two seasonal rituals and the 6 Circles, you will also have access to the Become the Seer-Prophecy 2025 class I am teaching live on December 28th. This is a small group closed circle to foster connection and trust. Sign up before Monday and get 10% off your registration. (Diving Deeper Members be sure to check our group for your special discount code) Want access to more ritual, classes, community and discounts on offerings? Join the Diving Deeper Membership Circle. Learn more and sign up here to get your first month FREE! This last week has been full of rain and wind. My yard is blanketed in colorful leaves and the grey skies have been amplifying the autumnal hues of trees.
Here in America we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving. What are you grateful for? Every year as I practice my gratitude birthday countdown I rediscover how many things I am truly grateful for. And I recognize that this in turn shifts the lens through which I am seeing the world. I feel softer and more compassionate. The ever present allies of awe and wonder become more vibrant. My heart feels a little more tender (but in that good way). What are you grateful for? During a time of year that can be festive and fun, or loaded with family drama and baggage, or lonely and isolating, or….well it can be a lot of things, I find it helpful to dig my roots into the earth and tap into that energy of gratitude. Even in my darkest moments I can always find at least one thing I feel grateful for. And that one thing often leads to another and another. So I ask one more time, what is it you are grateful for? (it’s ok to start small) Over the last couple of weeks I have been hosting the Sacred Self Care as Sanctuary class and through this I am reminded again about daily intentional magic and the power this has. Whether it’s a gratitude practice or divination, altar magic or journaling, a daily practice becomes a centering force in our bodies, our psyche and our craft. I have been reminded about how important staying connected to my center is. And how this can be the guiding light in the decisions I make, in evaluating my sense of obligation vs. desire and in staying true to myself. I invite you to choose one simple intentional practice and let this be a daily touchstone in the hustle and bustle. A daily reminder of your magic. A calling back to center. Flooded inboxes In the coming days your inbox will be flooded with emails, for black Friday and Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. And yes, I will in fact have an email or two in the mix. And yes, I will be opening registration and offering discounts on a couple of programs/offerings as well as a discount on some planners, books and journals. But also tucked into those emails will be a link to download your annual December magical countdown to the new year calendar. This is a free calendar that offers daily suggestions to bring a little magic into everyday of December. I will also be posting in the Facebook group daily with reminders of the suggestions and invitations to share about your experience with them. I look forward to exploring this practice with you! Did you get your 2025 Lunar Calendar? This free download outlines the lunar cycles for the next year and gives you a list of the dates and signs of all the new and full moons. Grab yours here Finally a big thank you to those of you who have filled out the Witch Next Door Survey. If you listen to the podcast I would be so grateful if you could take a minute to complete this short survey to help guide the future of this offering. Take the survey here Likely most of you are having some big feels. Whether you are happy or sad, yesterday was a big day here in the US.
Personally, I’m feeling the weight of the decision that was made. I feel surprised, sad and honestly scared. So today I’m hanging in the grief and surprise and recognizing the importance of connecting with friends and family, nourishing and moving my body and remembering the value of joy. I grew up in a house with a Dad who was very conservative and a Mom who was pretty liberal. It led to a lot of “discussions”, (my Dad loved to debate), but it also taught me that you can have a different view point than someone and still love them with your whole self. That differing opinions does not always make enemies. And that being curious about where someone is coming from instead of trying to change their mind can actually give way to common ground or at least create an understanding and compassion. . This all sounds very evolved as I type it, yet I can also own that I’m having A LOT of feelings right now and having a discussion about anything remotely conflictual in the political realm feels hard in this moment. I also know that’s ok. There will be time for those discussion later For now, I’m listening to the wild and powerful winds blowing outside, I’m watching the way the birds are catching the currents and how the leaves are being stripped from the trees, a swirling dance of color. And I am grateful to be a part of this ecosystem, to feel the threads of the natural world that weave themselves through the very fabric of my being. The Air that is my breath, the Earth that is my body, the Water that is my blood and my tears, the Fire that is the fierce love burning in my breast. However your tender heart is feeling today, take good care of you. Simple Practice November is my Birthday month and several years ago I started a gratitude birthday countdown. Each day I make a note of what I am grateful for . Most years I go all the way to the end of November even though my birthday is the 24th. Did you know that there have been studies on gratitude and brain chemistry? When we practice gratitude we actually feel better. So what about a little gratitude practice? You might do this on your own, writing down 1 to 5 things each day you feel grateful for. Or you might do what I do and post each day on your social media about what you are feeling gratitude for . No matter how you approach this practice I promise it can lift your spirits and give you a little different filter through which to see the world! Waitlist for the Winter Circle is open. Last year I offered a 6 session small group circle that met every other week through the Winter months and used the tools of embodiment, divination, journey work, and community to keep our inner fires burning through the darkness. The waitlist for this years Circle is open. Be the first to have access to registration when you add your name here |
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